Tuesday, July 10, 2012

If I had a blog...

"Well, if I had a blog - this would go on it." Since the summer has started I've said those exact words to my dear, sweet husband countless times. Enough times in fact to warrant the start of this blog - mostly so that he doesn't have to hear it anymore!

I've often toyed with the idea of starting a blog. But I held back for the same reasons everyone quotes...what will I say, will it be worth reading, what will I write about? No one will read it, I won't have time to keep up with it, etc. etc. However! I'm a teacher. And in being a teacher, I have three glorious months in the summer to recover from the patience, love, and frustration that I pour into my students relax and actually have free time.

So here I am...starting a blog! I make no promises as to how often I will post, and I have no set theme or topic that I'll be writing about. But I like to craft, cook, scrapbook, hang out with friends, and ultimately try and bring glory to God in what I do. And if all else fails, I am a teacher so my students provide me with a never-ending supply of funny/crazy moments!

So for my first post I'm going to leave you with one of these such moments. I taught Pre-K my first two years and will be teaching it again next year. However, this last year, I taught 3rd grade and wow...what a difference! To give a little background, my school had a very high number of economically disadvantaged (I believe 96% of our students were on free or reduced lunch). Our population was mostly Hispanic and African-American students. And let me say that I love this type of school. My heart is truly for at-risk students, and it is why I became a teacher. I love being a stable, consistent person for my students that they can count on to love them and support them. Our school also has a lot of blended families - perfect, I fit right in! So on the first day of school, I like to get to know my students. I try to learn about their lives and I share about mine. In doing so, I shared this picture with my class:

To which the following conversation ensues:
Boy student: "Uhhh Mrs. McCord? Is all your family white?
Me: "No actually they're not. My brothers and sister are black."
Girl student (real matter of fact): "Y'all got different daddies?"


  1. Oh my gosh that is so cute!! Reading this makes me miss you like crazy! So glad you're doing this!!

    1. Aww, thank you! Girl...I miss you too! Actually, one of the reasons that I finally decided to start my blog (after thinking about it for a long time..haha!) is because I was reading yours and enjoyed it SO much, and thought, this would just really be fun to do!

  2. This is still one of my favorite Christa stories! Love your blog idea and can't wait to read more :)
